Oh where or where have you gone?!?!?
So I am mourning what I fear to be the loss of Green Muh-Muh. Click here if you don't know who Green Muh-Muh is. I am a bad Mom. The guilt is killing me.
Two days ago Connor was recovering from our Normandy trip and a little pathetic in her recovery. I was anxious to get out the door to meet Karen and Brady for a shopping trip to Hema (a store kinda like Target - just kind of). Against my better judgment I let Connor bring along the prized Green Muh-Muh for our short excursion. It was one of our very first "no jacket days" in Brussels and I was so pumped to get out in the sun without so many layers. I even left the plastic cover up on Connor's stroller so she could soak in some rays...(enter foreboding, "told-you-so" music)....
I DID realize Green Muh-Muh needed to be secured to the stroller with a busy toddler inside. I tied GMM to one of Connor's stroller straps. Literally I tied a silk blanket. And off we went. Happy as can be. It was a successful trip and on the way home I popped in the grocery store for a couple items before coming home and whipping up a new Cinnamon Chicken recipe for dinner (which I saw on Oprah - Celebrity Chefs help families cook in more economically, very good!). I vaguely remember during the jaunt GMM becoming loose and I untied it and tucked it completely under Connor for safe keeping. I think.
I have not seen GMM since then. I guess both of us got distracted with other things going on because I just figured GMM was stuck in a corner somewhere the past couple days and Connor hadn't asked too emphatically for GMM....until naptime today. She wined for Green Muh-Muh and I thought I had better get down to business to find the missing lovey. Luckily I had feared something like this might happen and had purchased "Blue/Big Muh-Muh" and we have another mint colored satin lovey stand in that held her off.
Gosh darn if I didn't spend the entire naptime turning our tiny apartment upside down looking for GMM. With every empty hiding spot my panic level increased a notch and the pit in my stomach grew more noticeable. When Connor woke up I made a beeline with her back to Hema and our GB grocery to see if they found the elusive Green Muh-Muh. Just take a minute to mentally picture me frantically trying to translate "I think I lost my daughter's green lovey blanket 2 days ago in your massive store, Has anyone found it?" into French and praying to elicit some type of cohesive response. Surprisingly both stores did understand my request, but no dice. I called Kirk at work and made him leave his desk to search the car for GMM. I even threw the sheets off our made up bed to see if maybe she brought it into bed with us when snuggling a good morning.
Connor now seems just fine with her replacement and backup "Muh-Muhs" - I don't think she will be scarred for life. But I am bummed. I HATE losing things. Hate it with a passion. It eats away at me. And Green Muh-Muh was just the perfect small size for Connor to nuzzle and love on. (Apparently also the perfect small size for her to lose and toss from her stroller too!)
Lesson learned: Moms, don't ever let your kids take ANYTHING valuable out of the house! Here's hoping GMM finds its way back to us somehow.
Lego Kid!
9 years ago
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