Friday, June 25, 2010

England's Lake District and Hadrian's Wall

We were becoming more and more weary in our travels, but still had the passion and drive to keep pushing and see more. Yet when we entered the "Lake District" in the Cumbria region of Northwest England all we could think about was finding a place to wash clothes. Remember we were living for the month on 10 lbs of clothes each (due to budget airline restrictions)!

Keswick in the Lake District had a "Lovely Little Tea Room".......but also had a "Lovely Little Laundromat!" to our extreme delight. We got the machines started and dodged the rain to grab lunch at a nearby Thai restaurant. Connor gobbled down her rice and "yummy trees" (broccoli) and could barely wait to return to see her clothes spinning around and around. Laundry and persistent rain aside, Keswick was my kind of town. It was a little crunchy and very outdoorsy, but with just enough shopping and whimsical cuteness to captivate nearly everyone. There was a Pencil Museum in the town center. And who wouldn't love a Pencil Museum, right?Keswick is a haven for hikers, bikers, boaters and rockers - as in porch rockers. The mountain architecture reminded me much of a British Blowing Rock or Asheville.I couldn't help but think of my NYC friend who has recently birthed her first child, a daughter named Greta. There was a "Greta Hamlet" and a "Greta River" running right thru Keswick! We took these photos just for you Baby Greta.
We reluctantly left Keswick sorry we hadn't planned to overnight was a place I wouldn't have minded a slow-paced week to explore and uncover as many stones as I could. Next time! We drove out around the lake and up into the mountains to more fully experience the "Lake District"

Rounding out the day we checked out Hadrian's Wall. Hadrian's Wall extends laterally across England and was built during the Roman Empire. Sure seems impossible that it is in tact enough to hike along. But you can! It is a structure you can see from space and extends 117 kms (nearly 80 miles)!

Hadrian's Wall was spectacular. You could get right up close and climb onto it.

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