Thursday, August 27, 2009

You're So Vain

We have a child who absolutely loves herself! She adores gazing at herself. Be it in a mirror, a home movie, the digital camera or in a random reflection. Not sure exactly what to do about it though. It just cracks me up.

While bathing in a hotel tub, this is what I noticed her honing in on:Connor, maybe if you are good to us we won't pull these out at your wedding rehearsal dinner! She just couldn't get enough of the pointing and smiling and laughing at herself in the drain reflection!Connor is not a huge fan of TV or pop culture films....only of home movies of herself. She will call out "I wanna see Connor! I wanna see Connor!" And we often oblige after she puts a "please" in front of her request. Kirk has permanently downloaded and saved many of these movies on his laptop just so we don't have to remember the DVDs. Oh me.I don't even remember where we were when I caught Connor staring at herself on this ceiling mirror! (Kirk's edit: We were waiting to buy transit tickets in Oslo.)Let's just call it self confidence versus vanity for now. Deal?

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