Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Brussels Children's Museum

I have been wanting to try out the Brussels Children's Museum for some time now. Connor is really into touching everything so what fun to go some place where the purpose is to be hands on! We went with our BCT friends, Sylvia and her mom Jill. The girls were two peas in a pod together from the moment we got them out of the car!The museum's entire exhibit revolves loosely around the color RED. There are fire trucks, a body with arteries, and even a room devoted to China (get it, red?). That seemed a stretch to me. But the kids loved it. And the moms had a ball watching our daughters' delight. I mean who goes for an afternoon at the museum and ends up taking 70 photos?!?! (don't worry, I edited).Connor especially liked steering the ambulance. She still is fixated on "driving." Don't you just love this look of concentration? That is my face when I have to concentrate and parallel park here so maybe that is where she gets it from!
This exhibit was one of my favorite interactive parts. It was an enormous guilded frame Connor could jump right on stage and play with all the shapes, making her very own masterpiece.
Can you spy Connor in this photo? She was definitely into it all!

We found one room more into the blue tone than red. There were matching tiles like the game Memory. Connor was a little young to match, but just holding them in her little hands was game enough!
The fishing game was another hit. You can see how sweet Sylvia is patiently "fishing" while my Connor just dives right in to grab. That is her in a nutshell!
I think Connor's very favorite part was this pink and green birds nest. Before I knew it she had climbed up the ladder and was my baby bird hanging on the nest. I was just like a Mama Bird spotting her and fretting while she bounced around. I am not ready for my baby to fall from the nest just yet!

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