But my gosh. Getting out the door in the morning is a mental and physical challenge beyond compare. We are having a rare "stay at home" day today and I am grateful not to be packing bags and trying to psychologically wrestle with Connor to go anywhere.
Here is our daily checklist - every time:
1) Diapers, wipes and diaper cream (make sure there is enough!)
2) All medicines easily accessible - epipen, benadryl, and motrin (just in case)
3) 2 drink cups full and hidden from sight so Connor doesn't demand right away
4) Allergy appropriate snacks that are hopefully a little healthy but also won't perish in transit - this often involves cutting up fruit. There really isn't a lot of pick up and go stuff for sale in Europe. They aren't big on preservatives!
5) Proper toys and books for entertainment
6) Check and triple check that we have keys. Getting locked out here would be the pits.
7) Coats, mittens, hats, scarves as needed.
8) Umbrella (you never know)
9) Enough cash for whatever. Very few places take credit cards. Also must be sure the cash is in the right denominations. Enough coins for the bus are a must.
10) Grocery bags. Always need to have some of these on hand because stores here don't have them.
11) Cell phone charged.
12) Proper maps, instructions and phone numbers to get wherever we are going. Just in case we get lost - which happens pretty regularly. And pack big or small camera and be sure battery is charged.
13) Convince Connor she must get into the stroller and strap in. This usually involves some type of petty bribery and frustration.
14) Time steps 1-13 so we leave enough time to get to our destination not too early and not too late and not smack in the middle of a nap - this involves looking at public transport schedules and timing it just right.
All of this is AFTER I have chased Connor down and held her still long enough to diaper and dress the little wiggle worm. I burn a lot of calories trying to get clothes on Connor. I think she would run around naked if she had her druthers. Golly Gee.
Yesterday we took the bus to the Women's Club and I couldn't help but to imagine what the other passengers were thinking. For the entire hour we read aloud "Where is Baby's Belly Button?" and "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See?" Neither one is very long so we probably read each one 20 times. No doubt by the time our stop came everyone on the very quiet bus had memorized the English words to each page.
It is a miracle we ever get out anywhere. But the alternative of going stir crazy inside is motivation enough. How do mothers of 2 or 3 do it?!?!
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