Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Connor and her Doh-Doh

Last December we went to London. Kirk had a business trip and Connor and I tagged along to our FAVORITE CITY IN THE ENTIRE WORLD! We saw sweet Betty Dalrymple and even spent the night with her daughter, Fiona, and family. Fiona nonchalantly gave us this toy baby doll stroller. They had two and she wanted us to have one. She is just kind and giving like that. Or maybe she had some idea (as a more experienced mom) that the small pink stroller would become an extra appendage for Connor she would love it so much! Connor calls all strollers "doh-dohs" (pronounced like dough-dough). She runs at warp speed up and down our tiny hallway just circling with the small pink stroller all day. It is hilarious. You just see a Connor blur coming and going and hear the stroller wheels against the hardwoods.
Honestly, on this day I could not pry the stroller away from Connor's gripped fists with all my might. I needed to change her diaper so I finally (after trying to gently coax her) got exasperated and picked Connor up thinking she would drop the stroller. Oh no! She held on tight and carried it right up to the changing pad with her. Laughing all the way. It made me laugh too. Who cares about poopie diapers when the "doh-doh" is so much fun?!?! Fiona, you must have known!!!

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